Star for Life

Sigma Labs

Creating IT-jobs in East Jerusalem

The mission of Sigma Labs is to support the development of the High-Tech ecosystem in East Jerusalem, by enabling 7 000 IT jobs during a five-year period. We aim to achieve this mission by adopting a multidisciplinary approach that consists of providing direct employment opportunities in the High-Tech sector, Providing Educational Programs,  career support, training through Sigma Labs Educational Campus, and supporting entrepreneurs and startups through Sigma Innovation Labs.

We will launch activities, such as SFL Sigma Labs Co-working space where entrepreneurs can work and develop their ideas.


  • Limited job opportunities.
  • Traditional education adopts slowly to the market needs.
  • Skilled workers from East Jerusalem tend to move to other regions.
  • No tech community in East Jerusalem.
  • No start-up ecosystem.
SFL Sigma Labs plans to act as a start-up community driver for East Jerusalem

Component 1: IT Education

Sigma Software in Ukraine has built up an extensive online education platform, Sigma Software University Platform. Together with mentors, this will form the base for this component.

In addition, SFL Sigma Labs will co-operate closely with other key providers of education to achieve a more market-friendly education plan.

Component 2: IT Jobs

This means access to a global market of IT jobs. Sigma Software with 2000 employees is a part of the global IT-services group Danir, owned by the Dan Olofsson family, and has 10 000 employees. Each year the Danir Group employs over 3 000 IT developers globally. SFL Sigma Labs will also aim to establish partnerships with several other important IT companies, which will provide more channels to IT jobs.

Component 3: IT Companies

Here we will have a start-up unit for entrepreneurs, nurturing new ideas and business opportunities in a creative, inspiring and modern environment. We will also have a specialized unit that will motivate other influential IT companies to set up offices in East Jerusalem.

Want to know more about Star for Life Sigma Labs?

Rajai Nuseibeh

Managing Director Star for Life Sigma Labs

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Dennis Wolowyk

Project Advisor Star for Life Sigma Labs

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